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About Stream-Email&SMS Platform
## High subscription rates of 10-30%. Instead of the traditional subscription popup,Stream efficiently collects users’ email through the subscription suite: ① The marketing subscription popup, which makes on average 12% customers subsribe. ② Shopping cart marketing popup,which makes on average 20% customers who have added to cart subsribe. ③ Potential customers match, which makes on average 6% customers subscribe. ##Accurate matching system for people and goods is to integrate user identification, products identification and landing page activities. stream helps Chinese sellers maximize the value of their own customers more efficiently, based on the continuously calibrated matching system. Cross-client identification technology can recognize the lost customers again.Stream makes use of big data to recommend goods by email and uses the landing page activity to complete the aim of marketing activities. ##Email Strategy Circle User behavior trajectory, from browsing goods - Add goods - Place an order -Successful payment -- repurchase, Stream has established 14 core mail policies in view of the above behavior trajectory, which can be opened with one button to realize a complete cycle to recall customers. Based on dynamic behavior changes, Stream will adjust the content of emails sent to individual users in real time, completely driving users to complete the lifecycle! With Stream-email Adwards, you can build a completely personalized Eamil system. With mail template library, title library and content library, you can easily send emails to any layered users!
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