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Store design
Marketing and conversion
Store management
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Finding products
Selling products
Orders and shipping
Store design
Marketing and conversion
Store management
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About Store Migration
Effortlessly migrate your Shopify store information to the Shopify backend with our easy-to-use application. Just key in three critical pieces of information: "Migrate Store URL" and "Access token", . Our application enables the migration of vital content including: - Product Information: covering both listed and unlisted products along with their albums. - Blog Information: encapsulating all published and unpublished blogs with their corresponding albums. - Customer Information: maintaining comprehensive details such as account information and shipping addresses. - Order Information: recording all completed and incomplete orders made by customers. Please be mindful of certain compatibility nuances with Shopify's fields. Here are a few things to consider: 1. For any Shopify sub-product that tracks inventory, the inventory tracking is managed at the store level, allowing overselling. 2. If any Shopify sub-product lacks an image, all corresponding sub-products at the store level will reflect the same. 3. Shopify sub-products may trigger logistics/taxation requirements. Thus, all store-level products will require logistics/taxation.
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