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About Poptin Pop Ups, Exit Intent & Forms
# Create beautiful and engaging pop ups, widgets, and contact forms with Poptin in minutes. Poptin is a drag and drop, no-code popup builder that offers multiple features, tools and templates to scale your website campaigns and boost conversions. Such templates are customizable and compatible with either desktop or mobile devices. The Poptin plugin is specially made to help Shoplazza online stores convert more visitors into leads, email signups, and sales through popups and embedded forms. You can create lightboxes, overlays, bars, slide-ins, gamified pop ups, exit intent popups, click-to-call buttons, email forms, and more. # Poptin’s wide variety of engaging pop ups and inline forms * Lightbox popups * Slide-ins * Top and bottom bars for announcements * Exit intent popups * Full screen overlays * Spin the wheel pop ups * Scratch cards * Pick-a-gift pop ups * Exit intent coupons * Countdown pop ups for time-limited offers * Video pop ups * Mobile popups * Social widgets (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Phone, etc.) * Floating email forms * Subscribe forms * Contact forms Optimize your designs with the right targeting and trigger rules to show your pop ups to the right people at just the right time, without interfering with their shopping experience. Poptin provides a long list of options for this feature. Behavioral triggers like exit intent ensure that you show your popup campaigns based on the visitor’s behavior on your store, such as when he/she intends to leave the frame of your site, how long he has scrolled down, inactivity, click counts, etc. Meanwhile, Poptin’s pop up targeting features increase your chances of converting by showing the popup to the most relevant set of people based on your specified rule. For instance, you can show your Black Friday offer to visitors living in a specific country only. Some Poptin targeting rules include page targeting, date and time, adblock, device, traffic source, JavaScript targeting, and many more. Along with these, the Poptin builder comes with special tools and features to support your exit intent popup and other pop up campaigns to convert more visitors. # Here are some Poptin features to help you grow * Exit intent technology to reduce cart abandonment * Email and CRM integrations for seamless lead generation * A/B testing to get the best version of your opt-ins * Built-in analytics for easy tracking * Popup animation effects to get attention better * Wide array of customization options * Device responsiveness of all templates and designs * Triggers and targeting (simple to advanced) * Utilize exit intent trigger that’s included in the free plan * Additional elements such as timer, media files, HTML, CSS, coupon codes, etc.
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