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电子邮件营销, 营销活动管理, 营销和转换, 推送通知, 短信营销
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About MailsTurbo-An automated email marketing
### Over 90% cheaper than competing pairs **“No monthly low spend” is over 90% cheaper! Bring down the email marketing threshold!** 1. Most email tools charge according to the number of mailboxes, which leads to higher and higher costs, and you have to pay the minimum consumption every month no matter how good or bad the result is. 2. MailsTurbo only charges according to the sending volume, sellers can flexibly adjust the sending scale according to ROI at any time, buy as much as you want and break the unspoken rule of low consumption. 3. Sellers can flexibly adjust the sending scale according to ROI at any time, buy as much as you want and break the unspoken rule of low consumption. ### Works great. Increases sales dramatically. **“Effective” has been verified by a large number of sites, generally increasing sales by 10-20%.** 1. Men's/Women's Clothing Generally increase sales by 15-20%. 2. POD gift items 10% sales increase in general 3. Wedding Gowns 10%-15% general sales increase 4. Wigs 15% general increase in sales 5. Jewelry category 15% general sales increase ### Freeing up manpower! Unattended fully automated revenue growth No longer need to spend a lot of time configuring the email marketing system. Based on the 5 billion level of large-scale email sending, the GPT fine-tuning model has been trained to automatically generate email content, user tiering, and personalized landing pages, so as to realize unattended and fully automated revenue growth, and to make money even while lying down.
$1 one-time charge
All charges are billed in USD.
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