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About JivoChat Live Chat
Jivo is an omnichannel business messenger that is tailored for e-commerce websites. # Why choose JivoChat? Most visitors leave your website without buying, contacting your managers or leaving their email. 70% of them will never come back. And it's likely you've spent money, time and effort to bring them to your website. JivoChat starts a conversation with every visitor on your website by showing a chat widget with a question relevant to your business. Tell about your current discounts or offer some help. # What does JivoChat do? 1. Live chat - communicate with eshop customers in real time 2. Instagram - as a team, reply to all DMs, mentions and stories’ replies 3. WhatsApp - help clients by adding more than one agent in one only WhatsApp number without sharing your password to your agents 4. Email for businesses - connect your company’s email to reply and receive customer emails on your Jivo inbox 5. Callback - give the customer a chance to request a quick call to your team from your eshop in order to increase your sales and retention 6. CRM - add tags, reminders and create deals... move them through the pipeline to close more sales. 7. Statistics - track all customer service indicators and make better decisions to improve it 8. Team chats - chat one-on-one, create groups, send messages and files. Why use 2 messengers if you can do the same with one. 9. Typing Insight - see the messages that visitors are typing even before they hit “send.” 10. Multi-agent chats - Transfer and invite colleagues to participate in open support chats with customers. 11. Videocalls - Make videocalls with your clients in real-time and take your visitors' experience to another level. Add JivoChat to your website and watch your conversion rate grow. It's that simple!
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