What is Stamped Loyalty & Referrals?
With the Stamped Loyalty & Referrals Program, deliver immediate value to your customers through a customized loyalty experience. Increase your average order value & maximize customer lifetime value through our AI-powered Points & Rewards, VIP Tiers, & Referral solutions.
Get new sales, repeat sales, and increase engagement with our Loyalty & Referrals Program
It’s cheaper to get current customers to make a repeat purchase than it is to find new customers. Customer loyalty strategies enable you to provide & extract more value from your existing customer base. Ensure that the customers you worked so hard to acquire stay with you, have a great customer experience, & continue to get value from your products. Leverage our referral program functionality to acquire high-value customers at a low cost.
- Free-forever plan: Use the rewards program without any limits
- Easy-to-use: 1-Click install to take advantage of the program from Day 1
- Fully customizable: Customize the colors, choose your font, have full HTML control over your emails for 100% on-brand fit
3-in-1 Rewards Programs
- Points Rewards Program
- Referral Rewards Program
- VIP Rewards Program
Key Features
- 1-Click setup
- Dedicated rewards page to introduce your rewards program to customers
- Mobile-optimized, 100% responsive, it works with any theme
- Customizable to fit your brand - Your logo, colors, fonts, layout
- Headless Commerce / Custom Storefront Compatible
- Adjustments - Manually adjust points & rewards for each customer
- Add customer's attributes (e.g. fit, age, waist, more)
- Email notifications - Notify customers when they earn points or rewards
- Smart Reminders - Add reminders for expiring points and rewards
- Multi-lingual support - Available in English, French, German, & more
- GDPR Compliant
Fully customizable
Customize colors, fonts, logos, & more! Stamped enables you to take complete control, ensuring your Loyalty & Referrals program is always on-brand
Accelerate your eCommerce business by rewarding your shoppers. Get started today!